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ARTICLES : SoftPlan : Walls Last Updated: Oct 29th, 2004 - 03:55:13

Wall Join Tolerance Explained
By Bob Richtsmeier
Nov 6, 2000

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A Wall Join Tolerance of 6" Means:
1. Wall...... ENDS drawn within 6" of each other's Centerline, will be JOINED.
2. Walls of DIFF Thickness drawn parallel to each other but offset slightly 2" up to 10" tested in illustration below, will cleanup and close the footing lines and exterior wall edges depending on how you revise the WALL JOIN TOLERANCE!

THEN CHANGE THE WALL JOIN TOLERANCE TO 3" AND HIT CLEANUP and the 5" 6" 7" Offset all cleaned up & closed the footing!

SETTING the Tolerance to 1" will close the footing/Ext wall lines on a 4" Offset, but not 2"........
then again would anyone need such a small offset?

There is a reason in my book to set the Tolerance above 6" like 3'-5' .....
Post a reply on the message board if your interested why or for what instance!

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