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ARTICLES : SoftPlan : Openings Last Updated: Oct 29th, 2004 - 03:55:13

Gable End Windows
By Bill Wimberley
Jan 17, 2003

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Gable end windows

This assumes that all your window outlines are straight segments. This would be modified slightly if you have curves in your windows.

  1. Generate an elevation of the wall where you want the windows
  2. Using lines,draw in the shape of the opening.
  3. Select Draw-->Detail-->Opening Shapes-->Polygon. Turn on Cursor Snap and trace around the window outlines you drew in step 2. Start by drawing one of the vertical segments so that your grills will be correct if you choose to use grills.
  4. Move your new windows to a clean part of the screen. Select File--System Library. Select the Elevation Openings library. Select Window.
  5. Select Add. Draw a box around the first window and give it a name. Repeat for other windows.
  6. Switch to the Openings library.
  7. Select where you want to place the new openings, such as Specialty or wherever you want them.
  8. Select Add. Type in a name for the new window.
  9. Select Plan Type Window, Elevation Library Window, select the appropriate elevation opening that you created in step 5.
  10. Select OK. A new window will open. Make any necessary adjustments to the new opening. Repeat for other windows.
  11. Go back to your original drawing and add in your new windows.

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