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ARTICLES : Misc. Articles Last Updated: Oct 29th, 2004 - 03:55:13

Adding Annotation to Drawings with PSP
By Grant McCombie
Oct 14, 2003

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Just as you can add Annotation with Photo shop the same can be accomplished within PSP


First open your drawing within PSP and create a NEW Rastor Layer

Check that both Style and Texture have a Filled color I used the same color for both of them

Preset shape

From the Tool menu select the Preset shapes and select a Callout symbol, Drag your mouse and place it on the New layer

Then using the Magic wand select the preset Shape you just placed

From the Effects menu choose 3d effects Outer bevel (you can play with the settings to get the effect you want

Now cntrl-d will deselect the selection

Selection and outer bevel effect

Create a new Raster layer then pick the Text tool and place the Text you wish to place in the callout symbol

Adding Text

Many different shapes and Effects can be obtained

different preset shapes

Have Fun

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