Misc. Articles
Drawing EXACT Distances Using the Keyboard
By Bill Wimberley
Jan 17, 2003

You can use the keyboard to quickly draw, copy, or move objects exact distances. It took me awhile to get used to it but I love it now.

Follow these keyboard sequences using the Home and End keys on your keyboard....

Drawing a line(or wall):Select line, select the start point by using left click or place your cursor and select Home, type in the length, hit an arrow key(gives direction), End.

Move an object: Select Move, place your curser over the object to move, Home, type in the distance, arrow key, End.

Move a group of objects:Select Block Move, Left click to define one corner of the selection box, drag to enclose objects, End (use the End on the keyboard to prevent accidentally moving the group), type in the distance, arrow key, End.

Copy an exact distance: Select Copy, Left click to define one corner of the selection box, drag to create the selection box, End, type in distance, arrow key, End, select number of copies, Enter.

Drawing a line whose start position is an exact distance from the current cursor position: Select line, place your cursor on a known position such as the edge of a wall or on an existing line, type in a distance, arrow key, Home. This sets the starting point of the line the exact distance from the previous cursor location.

Drawing a box: Select Box, Home to set the corner of the box at the current cursor location, type in the length of one side of the box, arrow key, type in the other side of the box, arrow key, end. Can also be used for Elevation Openings and other rectangular objects.

Drawing a line on an angle: Select Line, turn Cursor Lock off (F12 twice), Home, type in the horizontal distance, arrow key, type in the verticle distance, arrow key, End.

Like I said, it is hard to get used to but with practice it becomes very fast. I no longer have to look at the status bar to determine how far I am moving, copying, or drawing. Just enter the distance and you have it.

Bill Wimberley

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