How to change the veneer on the outside of a house without moving the studs.
Nov 7, 2000

This is derived from a tip that was posted on Verlin's message board awhile back. It has been modified somewhat for clarity.

What to do about "Edit-Change Wall" problems to keep walls from "Jumping" resulting in dimensions no longer being aligned with the walls or the studs moving out of place. For example, you want to change from a 4" Brick Wall to a 4" Siding Wall. The problem you have is that the exterior of the wall will remain constant while the interior studs will move out. This is often not the desired result. Many times you want the studs to remain constant and have the exterior veneer move in or out.

First you need to go to File-- > Drawing Options-- > Define Wall-- > Edit. Select the 4" Brick Wall and change the brick material for the wall to the material named "Air Space". Secondly, you return to the drawing to select Edit --> Change wall to change the 4" Brick Wall to a 4" Siding Wall. This trick will keep your exterior walls from "Jumping" out of position eliminating the need to Re-dimension the floor plan. After making your changes you can go back and change the brick material back from Air Space to Brick.

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