How Do I Show The Line Where The Dormer Meets The Roof?
By Glenn Mitchell
Nov 6, 2000

Q: When generating an elevation with a dormer or other walls extending up through a roof I have never been able to get the "line" to show at the location where the wall actually meets the roof either in SoftView or saved elevations.... curved walls are even worse. As a result I have to go to other elevations to determine where the "line" is. In render mode it shows fine. Anyone have any thoughts?

A: The "line" is usually hidden under the siding. If you have 3/4" siding, move the roof or hole out 1" or so and it will show. I think this is due to the wall being configured for dimensioning from the sheathing or stud. Go to roof, select move/adjust and adjust the hole in the roof (which I assume you have made for the dormer), until it clears the siding on the dormer. You will have to go beyond the dashed reference lines by about an inch (the dashed reference line for the walls is only to the bearing lines I think, and does not include the siding - which hides the cut line). Then that line will now show up on any SoftViews. It means of course that the framed hole in the roof will be bigger than you would make in reality - if a few inches matters.

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